It has been almost a year since Terry and I boarded a plane in Dayton and started the adventure of our lives. When we boarded that plane it was with much excitement, but also fear and wondering if what we were doing was truly God's Will.
This morning during the church service I noticed a few things had changed in my life since this adventure began. First I found myself singing in Spanish. No, I didn't know what the words meant but I was singing anyway. I was greeting people a little more naturally. You know the kiss on the right cheek, and I was truly meaning the words Buenos Días. The hugs I give are less uptight and I mean them. I was able to read the Bible Story and understand most of what it was saying.
This school year is quickly coming to a close. We have seen great strides in our students in their education as well as their spiritual lives. It has been a blessing to hear them sing the old hymns and pray in our prayer circle each morning. They have earnestly prayed for Pastor Nadarkhani and that God would free him soon. They have prayed for the children in Ghana who are being sold into slavery. They have prayed that God would open the door so that El Sendero would be able to open on Saturday nites so that the young people of Loja would be able to have a safe place to go, and that they would also be able to have a chance to hear the gospel. It has been exciting to watch their expressions as we told them the news that the owner of El Sendero has said that for one Saturday next month El Sendero would be allowed to open.
Pray for us as we prepare to go back to the States for two months. We will be visiting with family, sharing our work in churches and raising support for another year. We don't know what the future is for us but for now God has told us to stay and minister here in the school. The decision to stay was not near as difficult as it was for us to come. The prayers and support of our prayer advocates and support advocates have been a blessing to us and to the work here in Loja.
This time when we board the plane back to Loja from Dayton I won't have the fear of the unknown and the unsureness of God's Will. This is where God wants us.
Extra water supply when the water is turned off here in Loja Becca adds new meaning to"climb up my rain barrel and we will be jolly friends forever more."
Sometimes we spend hours waiting for these gas tanks. Sometimes there are days and weeks that this important tank can't be found.
New and updated shower head with hot water. The before shower had electric wires that would heat the water as you showered. Hence the name Widow Maker.
We have a washer and dryer and a clothesline. Many people still use sinks like these to wash clothes. The white rectangular object near sink in first picture is a caliphone. This important little baby heats water for the house.
This is one awesome little gadget.
It heats water really hot and quickly.
Our drinking water supply. We can spend a lot of time waiting on the truck for water also. We can also walk to the corner store and buy a bottle. They are a little heavy to carry up three or four flights of stairs.
These are light bulbs with no covers. Most homes have these and you hardly ever see one covered.