Monday, January 1, 2018

                                What is in Your Hand

Sunday our pastor shared about Moses. He shared that Moses had three life divisions in his life. 

The first forty were spent in a Palace. He was taught by great teachers. Learned how to rule a country and had everything he could wish for. He spent the next forty years learning humility in the desert as a shepherd taking care of sheep and raising a new family. He spent the last forty years leading the Israelites out of Egypt.  

As Nolan and I discussed the message while waiting for our pizza, I thought of my life. The first half were my childhood experiences, marriage, raising our family, leading a church, homeschooling, working in a local school with great mentors who taught me more than I would have learned in university. They were all preparation for my second half of life.

 Moses sometimes felt he was inadequate for the job God had for him. At the burning bush, God asked Moses, "What is in your  hand?" and Moses replied that he had a staff in it. (Exodus 4:2) With that staff Moses had beat back wolves as he shepherded sheep, but now he would do miraculous things with it. God used the staff in Moses' hand to lead the people out of Egypt. 

Looking back, I can see the tools that God has given me in my hand. When I feel inadequate in the work God has given me in my second division of life I need to remember God has given me the tools. He has prepared me for the work I do. 

What is in your hand?