Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Leaving for the States

In twelve days Nolan and I will be heading out the door, loading a taxi to Catamayo to board a plane on our first leg of our trip home to the States. We will spend the day at the Quito airport until our late flight to Houston than Tampa. We will than spend a few days in Tampa with Nolan's parents and drive back to Ohio with them. We will be making a stop in Phenix Alabama to visit with friends there and speak in the morning service. 

From Ohio we will go to Illinois to visit with family and make a trip to Chicago to have our visas renewed. From Illinois to Tennessee to pick up paperwork for our visas from Mid America Seminary and than to Little Rock to visit family. The six weeks will go by quickly.

I am planning on eating some good Ruben sandwiches and loving on my grandchildren. Pray for us as we finish off the school year and hand off our building responsibilities. We are looking forward to sharing with friends and family about what God is doing here in Loja.