What will 24
dollars buy this Christmas? Here in Loja your family would be able to support
education for a missionary child for a year. Twice a month we have two programs
for the children of missionaries. One is Kids club that includes children from
several mission agencies.
The other is
a parents’ night out for the SIM missionaries so that the parents can have a
few hours to themselves. There is also tutoring for the children who do not
attend the Study Center for their main education. Your support will help with
supplies for the Clubs and for tutoring, give your family a child to pray for
who is also serving with their family here in Loja and give your family the
opportunity to serve with Terry and me here in Loja.
We have 23 children.
With your support you will receive the child’s name and will be able to write
to them either by email or postal service. This would be a wonderful gift for
your children to give this Christmas. Your church mission group or children's Sunday School class could adopt an MK.
Please send your gift to
Gateway Global
PO Box 591
West Chester, Ohio
your donation please notate that it is for Kid's Club support.
Don't forget to include your name and address so that we can partner you up with a missionary child. Please email us so that we can send you the Child's name and you can start praying for them.
Don't forget to include your name and address so that we can partner you up with a missionary child. Please email us so that we can send you the Child's name and you can start praying for them.
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