This is a blog post I shared over seven years ago. Heidi Dog gave so many people joy. Love you Heidi Dog. You taught me how to love and how to accept things I had not chosen.
Does God speak thru dogs

Sounds like a weird question but today I was wondering about it. The last three or so weeks I have been asking why why why. Today as I was trying to get all the dog hairs off the couch I started thinking about how much I had detested heidi dog. When Becca had her I didn't like her. It wasn't just Heidi I have never been a dog person. They take up time, eat, poop and cost money. Kind of like kids huh!
I am not going there today, but as I got to thinking I remembered the day Becca and family dropped her off before leaving for Ecuador. I had been praying God would find Heidi another home. She licked everything. She is a huge tank and sheds, eats stuffed lambs, men's shoes, kitchen utensils and takes time to take care off. Having a dog was not on my agenda.
Picking up the dog hair it dawned on me. God brings dogs into our lives that we don't want, things that aren't on our agenda' Moving, responsibilities, job loss, sickness ect.
I had asked God to help me learn to love Heidi when she came. The day the kids packed into their car to leave back to Illinois I saw tears on Marcus face, a boy who normally didn't show much emotion for things, he had tears in his eyes because he was leaving his dog. How could I not love a dog that my grandson loved. At that moment God gave me a different feeling for her.
Heidi has helped me see God's creation every morning on our walks. Walks were something that weren't on my agenda. She greets me at the door when I come home. When I am sad she looks at me as if she knows how I am feeling and lays down at me feet as if to give comfort. She guards the bathroom door when I take a bath. Heidi has helped me lose the 2o pounds I didn't need.
Today Heidi showed me that God brings things into our lives that we don't want and that don't fit our agenda but they are good for us. God gives us what's best. Dear God help me to remember that what you bring into my life is going to be good even if I don't see the benefit of it in my life at the time. Change my heart. Help me to see and understand that you only want the best for me.
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